

Scroll below the logos to see instructions on how to join our council support campaign.

Not a council but still want to help? Join 2229 organisations showing their support for marriage equality:


We are asking all Australian councils to add their voice to the growing call for equal rights for all Australians. If your council would like to join in then please use this page to email us:

  • a scanned copy of the motion on your council’s letterhead
  • your council’s logo
  • the web address to which we should backlink your logo

Someone from our organisation may be available to meet with your councillors to discuss why supporting marriage equality on a local government level is important. Please use the contact us page to connect with us. 

See below for a model motion but feel free to make changes deemed appropriate to your council. 

Once your logo has been loaded onto our website you may wish to place this logo on your own website to show your support.  Please backlink to our main web page: australianmarriageequality.org



Feel free to use the example motion of support below, create your own original motion or even a mixture of the two.


Council resolves to:

  1. Publicly support marriage equality irrespective of sex, gender identity or sex characteristics
  2. Write to all Federal Members of Parliament and the Commonwealth Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission advising them of council’s support.
  3. Write to all political parties with representation in the Federal Parliament encouraging them to prioritise debating changes to the Marriage Act and allow a conscience vote on marriage equality; and
  4. Fly a rainbow flag until marriage equality is achieved at a federal level.


Now that we have achieved marriage equality, we are no longer accepting new letters of support. 
