Marriage equality advocates say the Labor Party must reform its pre-selection process if it is reconnect with mainstream Australians on issues like marriage equality following Louise Pratt’s concession today that she will not be re-elected to the Senate.

Ms Pratt, one of the strongest marriage equality advocates in federal parliament, was the lead Labor candidate in Western Australia until a factional deal saw her demoted to second place after anti-equality candidate, Joe Bullock.

Despite Mr Bullock polling fewer below-the-line votes than Ms Pratt, Mr Bullock’s pre-election comments attacking the Labor Party and marriage equality played a role in reducing Labor’s overall vote, costing Ms Pratt her seat.

Australian Marriage Equality national director, Rodney Croome, said,

“The 65% of Australians and 75% of Labor voters who support marriage equality expect the Labor Party to pre-select candidates to winnable positions who also support the reform.”

“Instead, Labor has failed its principles, it’s voters and the majority of Australians by allowing a prejudiced and out-of-touch candidate to poach the seat of a hard-working and much-admired marriage equality supporter.”

“Labor must reform its pre-selection processes if it is to reconnect with strong support among mainstream voters for marriage equality.”

Mr Croome called on Labor to nominate a replacement for Louise Pratt on the federal parliament’s cross-party working group on marriage equality, and urged Ms Pratt to stand again.

“Louise Pratt is one of the most hard working, intelligent, principled and compassionate politicians I have ever had the honour to work with.”

“I urge her to stand again for elected office and I urge the Labor Party to make good its mistake by giving her the best chance of election.”

In a media conference today Ms Pratt labelled Mr Bullock “deeply homophobic” and “disloyal to the very party he has been elected to represent”.

The Labor Party has a policy in favour of marriage equality but allows MPs a conscience vote on the issue.

Polls consistently show 75% or more of Labor voters are marriage equality supporters.

For more information contact Rodney Croome on 0409 010 668.

Author: Rodney Croome
Publication: AME Media Release
Date: 16 April 2014