Advocates have slammed an election fear campaign aimed at a candidate who supports marriage equality.

In the Queensland seat of Moreton flyers against sitting Labor member, Graham Perrett, have been distributed depicting a crying toddler with the words “I want my mum and my dad”. The flyer goes on to declare “Loving kids and respecting their rights means keeping marriage law that puts kids’ needs first”.

Australian Marriage Equality national director, Rodney Croome, said,

“The people behind this flyer should be ashamed of themselves for running this kind of fear campaign against marriage equality, particularly one that involves children.”

“We agree that the needs of children come first and marriage equality will do this by providing the children of same-sex couples with the chance to have married parents.”

Mr Perrett is a supporter of marriage equality who last year chaired a parliamentary inquiry which received over a quarter of a million submissions – the most to any federal inquiry ever – 64% of which favoured married equality.

graham perrott fearcampaign

This is a photograph of the front of the flyer. It is understood to have been authorised by a private citizen in the electorate.

For more information contact Rodney Croome on 0409 010 668.

Author: Rodney Croome
Publication: AME Media Release
Date 3 September 2013