It has been a funny kind of dance but, at last, reason seems to be doing the leading.

Australian jurisdictions have been doing a kind of two-step in their approach to same-sex unions over the past decade.

Two steps back, then one forward. Or something like that.

It has been sad and slow at times, fast and aggressive at others, but always with the same outcome – clinging to the old-fashioned and traditional modes of moving about.

And while the events of this week seem to be a move in the right direction for equality, I see the shift more as a tick for logic than a celebration of progress.

At last, the ceremony and formality of lasting love might be able to be celebrated, regardless of gender or sexuality.

And we might be dragged out of the Dark Ages.

You don’t have to be gay to see that inequality because of sexuality is as anachronistic as inequality along gender or racial lines.

In this place and at this time, it simply does not belong.

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