I am same-sex attracted. We should all disclose sources of bias and potential conflicts of interest up front in a transparent manner.

It’s a shame so many politicians, commentators and members of the general public aren’t called upon to disclose their bias before declaring what is good for hetero and homosexual members of society.

Instead, we are bombarded with arguments why same-sex-attracted people should not be able to marry (each other, mind you – nobody seems concerned that same-sex-attracted people might already be marrying members of the opposite sex) without any disclosure of personal bias. The key voice mostly missing from the broader public debate is that of same-sex-attracted people themselves. Let me add my perspective so at least one voice actually affected by the current law is heard.

Gay marriage is not and never should have been a political issue. It’s a personal one. I’ve always felt different. I was routinely mistaken for a boy by emergency teachers at my school, much to the amusement of both the teachers and my classmates. I didn’t find it amusing.

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