A Bunbury woman wants her two-year-old daughter to grow up in a society where she is free to make a choice about who she wants to marry.

With the controversial issue of gay marriage making headlines all over the world, Australind bisexual Megan Tilling said it was only a matter of time before it was legalised in Australia.

Gay marriage was legalised in New York last month and recently gained the support of the Labor Party of WA.

But Mrs Tilling said Bunbury was a long way off accepting its homosexual community members.

“I’m bisexual and I have a lot of gay friends, but the majority of them move away to Perth,” Mrs Tilling said.

“There is nothing here for them – no support or networking opportunities, and I have witnessed anti-gay violence because people have a perception that any display of affection between same-sex couples is ‘asking for trouble’ and ‘disgusting’.”

Mrs Tilling is happily married to a man but has been in a committed relationship with a woman in the past.

“I believe you fall in love with the person, not their gender,” she said.

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