One of Julia Gillard’s most understated talents is her ability to keep a straight face while making the most absurd of statements.

In the wake of New York’s decision to legalise gay marriage, her denial that Australia lags behind the times surely ranks among the more insidious.

New York is now the most populous state in the US to allow same-sex marriage, after a ballot in California. It is also legal in Vermont, Iowa, Massachusetts, New Hampshire and Connecticut.

It was way back in 2005 that Canada – our big sister – made the necessary change to its legislation. The peoples of Belgium and the Netherlands have enjoyed this right for many years, while governments in Argentina, Sweden, Portugal and Iceland – among others – have recently joined the procession toward equality.

In the Motherland, the Labour government introduced Civil Unions in 2004 with the support of the Conservatives. It is a sub-optimal compromise, of course; although one we’re in no position to condemn. And it’s a widely performed and recognised form of partnership around the world.

All this makes it extremely difficult to claim that Australia is not dawdling in the dark ages. But that’s to be expected, really – this country has never been progressive.

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