Senator Ursula Stephens, the federal Parliamentary Secretary for Social Inclusion, has used her weblog to denounce marriage equality and those who advocate for it.

Senator Stephens created headlines in 2009 for endorsing a “National Marriage Day Breakfast” – an event hosted by anti-gay groups to mark the day in 2004 that same-sex couples were excluded from marriage.

I am a practising Catholic and support the view that marriage should be between a man and a woman. While many same sex couples tell us their relationship is identical with marriage, the majority of constituents who have contacted me on this subject believe that marriage is definitely not the same as a relationship between a couple of the same sex.

There are persuasive statements by High Court judges that the word “marriage” in the Australian Constitution means monogamous and heterosexual marriage. And that, too, is implicit in the wording of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, which states: “The right of men and women of marriageable age to marry and to found a family shall be recognised.”

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For more on Senator Stephens’ controversial involvement with the National Marriage Day breakfast, click here and here.