AME has put together a list of all those federal politicians who have publicly stated their support for marriage equality, together with their key statement on the issue.

They include the following comment by NSW Senator and ALP right-faction leader, Mark Arbib, which sparked a firestorm of debate in November:

“If I was the parent of a gay son or daughter I don’t know how I could tell them they didn’t have the same rights as I do.”

As well as compelling statements like the following from  Newcastle MHR, Sharon Greirson:

“This is a mainstream issue which affects many people who live in my electorate and in every electorate across Australia. This is not an issue confined to same-sex couples or to any particular lifestyle or to any particular place of residence. This is an issue that goes to the core of the human experience: the need to be loved and to love and the need some people feel to have that bond formally recognised in a union called marriage … I personally hope that honest dialogue free from prejudice and intolerance will lead to same-sex marriage being recognised in this country and legislated in this parliament.”

To see the full list click here