MatthewLannon2 lrg

Author: Erin Tennant
Publication: 9 News World
Publication Date: March 25, 2013

A 12-year-old’s impassioned plea for same-sex marriage rights has stunned a US judiciary committee and won over thousands of online fans.

Matthew Lannon spoke at a Rhode Island Senate hearing about his two mothers and two fathers last Thursday.
“If there’s one thing you don’t mess with in life, that’s love,” he told the committee.
“My parents, and all the other gay and lesbian people here, just want to be happy.”
Matthew was the youngest to testify in favour of a bill sponsored by his aunt, a state senator, that proposes to legalise gay marriage in Rhode Island.
The New England state does not allow same-sex marriage, although lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender couples have the option of civil unions.
“All they want is to be treated fairly,” Matthew said of his parents, who have been together 14 years.
“But unlike most of you, they have to come again here year after year and explain over and over why their love is equal to yours. This year, you have the opportunity to change that. I say, choose love.”