Parents with lesbian daughters and gay sons will have lunch today, 27th July, with Attorney General Robert McClelland to discuss the issue of marriage equality.

Shelley Argent, the PFLAG National Spokesperson says: “it’s time our MP’s listened to the voices of parents. It’s no longer good enough for our sons and daughters to have some rights, we want them to have equal rights with the same choices and privileges as their straight siblings. Our gay sons and lesbian daughters are equally loved by family, pay their taxes and are expected to contribute equally in/to society the same as anyone else, while currently continuing to be seen as second rate citizens.”

“As parents, we can provide a most secure stable home life, provide our children with the best education, provide for their every want or need, but we cannot provide or buy their equality only the government provide this. And, worse still our sons and daughters cannot earn their rights regardless of their careers and talents that again society benefits from generally.”

The Parents plan to send a clear message to Canberra through Mr. McClelland today that marriage equality is progressing in many countries including those that are conservative and catholic without any problems. Additionally, they plan to point out that this legislation will cost virtually zero to implement, but will mean so much to so many individuals and their families.

“Marriage is about emotional security, planning a future together and it’s how society values couples relationships. Marriage also minimises legal issues that may arise, it also minimises next of kin issues, encourages fidelity and it lessens depression in individuals because it make people feel valued. These are things we as parents want for all of our children to benefit from, not just most.” Mrs Argent said.

“Of course not everyone wants to marry, which is fine but we want our sons and daughters to have the same choice as everyone else.”

Recent Galaxy Polls show that 75% of Australians expect same sex couples will be allowed to marry and feel it’s inevitable. As parents they will today ask: “Why is this present government bowing to the minority on this issue? This minority won’t loose anything if our sons and daughters are allowed to marry, but we as families have everything to gain due to the fact that our children will have equality. And, as a society we have everything to gain by being inclusive.”

For comment:

Shelley Argent OAM

National Spokesperson PFLAG

Qld. Senior Australian of the Year 2011

0409-363-335 anytime